I would tend to agree with "Aimlessness contribues to nothingness" this with some elements of hesitancy thrown in. Rest and relaxation could be in the realm of doing nothing except perhaps to come away from harsh work schedules. There may not be work in it, but the rest in recuperating the mind and body could be of immense benefit. If there are no dead lines to meet, no appointments to rush to, no time lines to be met, the exercise could well be quite rewarding. Other than taking in the fresh air, there really isn’t much to take in on such occasions. It would differ I should imagine if the person involved were to be finding rest and relaxation in his or her work itself. Then of course the reason for rest would have to be negated and forfeited. But other than this, it would be of interest to see how others reacted. Many during this time take up new and untouched ventures.
Vocations that do not have any relevance to their immediate work. Its a brave attempt. An attempt I think that could in the long run enhance some aspect of their regular work. Which is an interesting way of looking at it. Working as an teacher, but playing golf for example in that spare moment - competition, concentration, patience, correct choices in the iron - correct decisions! Funny how everything gets interrelated! Such magic! Play a sport to win always, obsess labor plan. Teach and bring in those practices again. Fascinating! I know many that approach either with similar sentiment and are cause for envy. But why. Each individual should have his or her game plan in a professional world. Most, in an individual professional world. This is our realm our job our life, it would need all that it needs to succeed and prosper. Why then disuade them from practicing what they need to practice, when they work for its enhancement.
There are friendships and associations and holding hands in various professions. Can we honestly say that they are above the consideration that they have been formed with? Does it not cross our minds at some stage that an association would benefit a certain cause other than what the association is about? Invite someone over for dinner, for who knows, tomorrow we may need him. Lets send him or her flowers and a card on the birthday or anniversary. They are important people!! And on…
At some stage of our lives we have all sat back and thought or executed such acts. Who to acknowledge, who to not. Who to hold hands over a meal and who not. And perpetually the thought ringing in our ears, good we came to know them, imagine what would have transpired if they had not been around. It is a harsh reality, but a reality all the same. Some where sometime it does cross our mind. It should not, but it does.
That is the positive behind such operation. There is the other too. Know someone, connect with him on an issue, seek his now understood reason for the relationship, and he says he cannot! Genuinely can not. Does the relationship sour? Man…I asked you a favor as a friend, you are my friend are you not, and you move away? Never expected this of you, how could you? And now when ever you meet or invite or consult, would it not have the strains of that flavor where there was the absence of the expected help. Just wondering and conjecturing!!
Of course this does not take anything away from those rare and genuine relationships that have through generations gone beyond expectation and hope and duty. They exist and prosper despite all else. They exist despite the oft repeated thought in our minds - ‘let me do this for him, after all I do owe him one, do I not’ . When do we forget that thought, ‘after all’…
A simple situation but one that lingers in my mind often…
So what does one do? If you were to ask me, I would do, and do it without knowledge of the other. Or never attempt to display my presence, or talk on the subject. Favor done, forget it.
Never lend, and if you do, never expect it to be back!!
I hope the almighty shall never put me in a situation where I shall need to ask, or beg. Neither would I want to be in a situation where I am expected to give. But if there were to be a consensus on my attitude I would myself vote for giving rather than asking. And after giving I would honestly forget!!
Somewhere there is a beauty in the soul when this is done. Better a better soul than a calculating mind...with so much beauty around do we really need to…?
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